Matt Weaver
[email protected]
Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development
CDBG Formula
Acquisition of Real Property
Public Facilities and Improvements
Public Services
Interim Assistance
Special Economic Development Activities
Microenterprise Assistance
Special Activities by CBDOs
Homeownership Assistance
Planning and Capacity Building
Program Administration Costs
Clearance, Rehabilitation, Reconstruction, and Construction of Buildings (including Housing)
Housing Services
Lead-based Paint Hazard Evaluation and Reduction
Urgent Needs (require declaration of emergency by Governor or Department of Health)
Economic Development (site development, readiness, job creation/retention)
Business District Revitalization
Regional Water/Wastewater Infrastructure
“Economic Development: job creation/retention, loan funding, physical/operational assistance to small business, business training/mentoring programs, entrepreneurship development assistance, workforce training programs, multi-purpose community centers, small-scale manufacturing assistance
Public Infrastructure: water, sewer, street improvements, drainage, signage, broadband
Housing: housing rehab activities, substantial reconstruction, relocation, demolition, home maintenance education programs, homeownership creation/assistance
Community Service Facility: daycare centers, health services/clinics, multi-purpose community centers, job/entrepreneurship facilities
Public Services: health services (for ageing/disabled populations), employment services, food security, homeless services, substance abuse services
Economic Development
Public Services
Planning & Technical Assistance
Hotel/motel operations for non-congregate shelter support
Small Business Recovery Assistance (rent/mortgage and eligible recovery equipment expenses), food distribution assistance funded through Public Services supporting equipment and food procurement for food pantries; construction/renovation of a health clinic, support for non-congregate shelter facilities, testing center, or isolation center, direct job creation/retention for the manufacturing of COVID related products.
630 Eye Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20001
(202) 293-5820