Town of Batavia – Upstate Niagara Cooperative, Inc

“NYSOCR’s investment into the growth of Genesee County’s manufacturing base has yielded great results. Their funding has led to the expansion of a local food processing company that makes yogurt. Not only did this investment create 63 jobs, but the resulting use of milk in its process will be of a significant benefit to our local dairy farms. Working with the NYSOCR was a very simple and streamlined process that was easy for the company to be eligible for funding as well as to report on the final use of the funds.”
Mark Masse, Senior VP of Operations
Genesee County Economic Development Center

Batavia, New York, 24th Congressional District 

In 2019, Upstate Niagara Cooperative, Inc. (UNC) acquired a vacant 50,000 sq. ft yogurt manufacturing facility in the Genesee Valley Agri-Business Park. The closing of the previous business had resulted in job losses and negatively impacted area dairy farmers who sold to the facility. The Town’s grant to UNC helped to expand job opportunities for low/moderate income individuals and to support area farmers 

An onsite monitoring of the Town of Batavia and Upstate Niagara Cooperative, Inc was conducted on June 7, 2023. The project is complete, awaiting final administrative closeout. 


Benefits & Innovation
The investment enhanced Upstate Niagara Cooperative’s position in local agri-business and created 63 new jobs in this important manufacturing sector. 


Partner Engagement

  • Town of Batavia, Genessee County
  • Genesee Gateway Local Development Corporation
  • CDBG- Office of Community Renewal 



  • CDBG $750,000 
  • Equity $3,306,000 
  • Total $4,056,000 


Upstate Niagara Coorperative, Inc.
[email protected]

 Andrew Maguire, Utility Operations Manager, Town of Batavia
[email protected]  

 Lezlie Farrell, CFO, Genessee Gateway Local Development Corp.
[email protected]  

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