Meadows at Grapevine Run Phase II

The project provides safe, quality, and affordable apartments for seniors to live independently and with dignity. Ongoing service coordination is provided to support the residents and connect them to necessary services in the community. New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority placed fifteen Section 8 project-based vouchers in the property to provide rental assistance to residents and to support the long-term financial feasibility of the project.
New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority

Hampton Falls, NH, Congressional District 1

Gloria Paradise
New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority
[email protected]

The Meadows at Grapevine Run Phase II is the second of two phases at the 27 Brown Road property in Hampton Falls with a total of 72 units. The first phase was completed in 2017, using Low-Income Housing Tax Credit and HOME Investment Partnerships Program funds and comprises 24 one-bedroom units. Phase II of the project consists of two buildings, each having 24 one-bedroom units. This phase included funding from National Housing Trust Funds and HOME Investment Partnerships Program funds.

The unit mix consists of five units affordable to households with incomes at or below 30% of area median income (AMI), 24 units are affordable to households with incomes at or below 50% of AMI, and 19 units are market rate. The Town of Hampton Falls, as part of the planning approval, has restricted the market rate rents to 80% of AMI. Eight of the units are designated as HOME units and two are designated as federal Housing Trust Fund units.

The Meadows is one of only a few multi-family rental developments to achieve energy efficient Passive House certification in New Hampshire.

The project is the first affordable age-restricted housing developed in Hampton Falls located in an expensive rental market in New Hampshire’s seacoast area.

HTF investment: $225,015
LIHTC (if applicable): $5,849,415
HOME investment: $1,000,000
Other public funds: $3,287,864
Private funds: $6,596
Total project costs: $10,368,890

Avesta Housing received financial support for this project from New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority with HOME Investment Partnerships program and federal Housing Trust Fund deferred loans. Additionally, Federal Home Loan Bank of Boston Affordable Housing provided a grant and loan, and Low-Income Housing Tax Credits.

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