Logan Avenue Streetscape & Sidewalk Replacement

For our community, the Streetscape project fits right in with the present administration’s plan for community enhancement and economic development. Prior councils approached economic development with exhaustive efforts to attract new business by continually calling on prospective owners to locate in Tyrone. Currently, we have a bit of a different approach. It’s kind of a “build it and they will come” effort.
Ardean C. Latchford
Tyrone Borough Manager

Tyrone Borough, Blair County, Pennsylvania – 13th Congressional District

The Logan Avenue Streetscape/Sidewalk Replacement project is along Logan Avenue from Herald Street to West 16th Street and included a portion of Herald from Logan Ave to Alley F, 11th, 12th, and 13th Streets from Pennsylvania Avenue to Washington Avenue and 15th Street from Pennsylvania Avenue to Logan Avenue.

Existing sidewalks and street curbs were deteriorated beyond repair and was contributing to blighted conditions throughout the neighborhood. The Streetscape/Sidewalk Replacement project addressed multiple states of deterioration and blight throughout the neighborhood.

The Borough’s project consisted of new concrete sidewalks and curbing throughout the project area . At intersections, new ADA compliant curb ramps were installed. Where the curb reveal allowed for a trench drain, downspout discharge was pickup and carried to the road gutter. The design provides mobility and accessibility within the pedestrian access route, maximized curb reveal and improved drainage across the sidewalks to provide a safer means of travel for pedestrians. In addition, street trees were planted to offer an aesthetic residential feeling to the project. The project area is located in CT 0101.02 BG 2, which is an identified concentration of low to moderate income persons at 80.85%, Area POP 705, LMI POP 570. The project area consists of residential and mixed commercial along Logan Avenue, but is primarily residential in nature. 

The project was completed February 2020. The Borough has additional needs along Blair Avenue and Bald Eagle Avenue in the Borough. The downtown business district also is in need of additional Parking.

Community Development Block Grant $1,765,827.32
General funds (Engineering) $ 191,360.00
Other public funds (Liquid Fuels) $ 160,446.00
Total $2,117,633.32

Coordination with the Borough Water & Sewer Departments along with local utility providers Gas and Electric. PennDOT was consulted throughout the project due to intersecting with State Routes PA-453

Donna Enrico
PA Department of Community and Economic Development
(717) 720-7343
[email protected]

Sheila Frasier, Grant Manager
PA Department of Community & Economic Development
Center for Community Development Operations
[email protected]

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