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COSCDA trainings are restricted to state administrators of HUD programs in community and economic development, housing, homelessness and disaster recovery programs.
Annual Training Conference:
The COSCDA Annual Training Conference is held annually in September. The site of the Conference rotates among the four COSCDA regions. Members interested in hosting the Conference provide an information packet that is distributed before the Annual Conference to all members. The site of the Annual Training Conference is typically selected two years in advance.
Program Managers Training Conference:
The COSCDA Community Development, Housing, Homelessness, and Disaster Recovery Program Managers Training Conferences are held annually in March in Washington, D.C. The “four” Conferences are designed to benefit state agency administrative staff working in COSCDA’s primary program areas. The “four” Conferences under one umbrella are offered concurrently to facilitate the provision of joint workshops on topics of common interest.
COSCDA Training Academy:
The COSCDA Training Academy was created in 2007 to meet the increasing demand from the membership to provide state-specific training in COSCDA’ s four core program areas: community development, housing, disaster recovery, and homelessness.
630 Eye Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20001
(202) 293-5820