Government Relations

COSCDA: A Voice for the States

COSCDA represents its members by serving as an advocate and liaison between Congress, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and related federal agencies on a host of programmatic and regulatory issues. COSCDA provides leadership in the development of funding proposals; legislative and regulatory strategies relative to community development, housing, and homelessness; disaster recovery as well as program implementation.

Congressional Partnership Award

The COSCDA Congressional Partnership Award recognizes members of Congress for their outstanding contributions to federal programs benefiting state and local actions in community development. COSCDA established the award in 2023 to honor congressional champions of HUD Community Planning and Development (HUD-CPD) programs. 

COSCDA is pleased to announce the recipient of our 2024 Congressional Partnership Award: Senator Brian Schatz (D-HI). Senator Schatz has proudly served as the Chair of the Senate Appropriations Transportation-HUD Subcommittee in this 118th Congress. In this role, Chair Schatz consistently supports community development programs and fights for robust funding for communities across the nation. 

Outreach to Congress

COSCDA sent a letter to House and Senate Appropriations Committee leadership to report survey results on COSCDA’s FY2023 legislative priorities. The survey inquired about how funding and policy changes would impact specific state programs. One response was recorded from each state. 


In addition to a letter with requests for the FY2023 appropriations bill, COSCDA provided draft legislative text accompanying each individual recommendation per program. The text was provided to House and Senate Appropriations Committee leadership. 


COSCDA sent a letter to House and Senate Appropriations Committee leadership outlining appropriations requests for FY2023, including: 

  • HUD-CPD Salaries & Expenses: $154 million 
  • Community Development Block Grants (CDBG): $4.2 billion 
  • HOME Investment Partnerships Program: $2.5 billion 
  • Homeless Assistance Grants: $3.5 billion 
  • Emergency Solutions Grants: $700 million 


COSCDA sent a letter to leadership of the House Financial Services Committee Subcommittee on Housing, Community Development, and Insurance in response to its hearing on “Housing America: Addressing Challenges in Serving People Experiencing Homelessness.” 

The letter includes the following overview: “While significant strides have been made in recent years, several issues inhibit homeless assistance, especially considering COVID-19’s effects on extremely vulnerable populations. A combination of lacking resources, restrictions on program funding, diminished capacity, and data availability are contributing to this dilemma. State and local networks remain essential to improving outcomes for extremely low-income persons. COSCDA offers our recommendations to update existing programs and strengthen aid in homelessness support systems.” 


COSCDA sent a letter to House Financial Services Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations leadership in response to a hearing on “Ensuring Equitable Delivery of Disaster Benefits to Vulnerable Communities and Peoples: An Examination of GAO’s Findings of the CDBG Program.” 

The letter includes the following overview: “As grantees in implementing recovery and mitigation activities, COSCDA realizes the need for multiple changes to expedite deployment of federal aid moving forward… It is especially important to devote resources to vulnerable and underserved populations, as highlighted by this hearing. We share responses to the GAO’s recommendations below as well as perspectives on reforms to CDBG-DR.” 


Outreach to the Administration

COSCDA responded to HUD’s Request for Information (RFI) related to the implementation of the Build America, Buy America (BABA) Act.

COSCDA’s comments include the following: “As HUD assesses BAP implementation, COSCDA urges the agency to waive HUD-CPD programs from this requirement… we suggest HUD enhance its outreach and engagement with stakeholders to ensure proper study on BAP’s predicted effects. Any opportunity to receive direct feedback from a host of parties operating through CPD investments would be worthwhile and contribute to better implementation of the policy.” 


COSCDA sent a letter to HUD Secretary Marcia Fudge with detailed responses to the agency’s Fiscal Year 2023 budget request. Programs addressed in the letter include: climate initiatives, Housing Supply Fund, CDBG-DR, CDBG, Section 108, HOME Investment Partnerships, Housing Trust Fund (HTF), Homeless Assistance Grants (and ESG), and HUD capacity funding. 


COSCDA and NCDA jointly sent a letter to leadership at HUD’s Office of Community Planning and Development (CPD) with recommendations related to the expenditure deadline for CDBG-CV funds. 

Among others, the letter includes the following recommendation: “Several issues have impeded progress in directing funds to eligible activities to ‘prepare, prevent, and respond to coronavirus.’ To ensure effective and accountable use of CDBG-CV funds, we encourage HUD to update this policy and change the requirement to a three-year, 80% obligation deadline. The altered requirement ensures grantees demonstrate how funds will be dedicated to pandemic response.”  


COSCDA sent a letter to leadership at HUD’s Office of Community Planning and Development (CPD) requesting improvements to the Integrated Disbursement and Information System (IDIS) and Disaster Recovery Grant Reporting System (DRGR). 

The letter includes the following overview: “We strongly urge HUD to direct existing agency resources and personnel to ensure improvements to IDIS and DRGR can be accommodated. One critical step in this process involves HUD interacting with state and local program administrators on system needs and proposed solutions. In turn, grantees are available to test new software or IT products to inform any widespread system updates. COSCDA offers to assist in this engagement and coordinate with HUD on both of these activities.”


COSCDA responded to a Department of Labor proposed rule related to updating the Davis-Bacon and Related Acts regulations. 

The comment letter includes the following overview: “COSCDA welcomes release of the latest Davis Bacon and Related Acts (DBRA) proposed rule. As the Department of Labor (DOL) notes in the federal register notice (FNR), it has been four decades since the last rule was established. During this time, labor and market conditions have changed extensively. Stakeholders engaged on DBRA-affiliated projects have in turn had to navigate rules and processes not necessarily aligned with current conditions… Efficiencies which can be realized through this update will advance federally-supported developments nationwide.”


COSCDA sent a letter to HUD Secretary Marcia Fudge outlining funding priorities for Fiscal Year 2023, including: 

  • Community Development Block Grants (CDBG): $4.2 billion 
  • Homeless Assistance Grants (HAGs): $3.5 billion 
  • HOME Investment Partnerships: $1.9 billion 
  • Support annual funding to HUD’s Disaster Recovery and Special Issues Division (HUD-DRSI) for administration and technical assistance associated with the CDBG-Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) and Mitigation (CDBG-MIT) programs. 


COSCDA sent a joint letter with NCDA to the Biden-Harris White House requesting support for CDBG reauthorization. 

The letter includes the following overview: “CDBG has proven successful in fostering community-led initiatives and investing in activities benefitting low- and moderate-income populations. To enhance the program’s impact and expand use of funds for local needs, legislative renewal is needed at this time… We urge the administration’s support for this effort so CDBG can continue to be a meaningful resources for community-based improvements.”


Coalition Outreach

COSCDA joined members of the CDBG Coalition on a letter to House and Senate Appropriations Committee leadership requesting at least $4.2 billion for CDBG in FY 2023. 


COSCDA joined members of the HOME Coalition on a letter to HUD Secretary Marcia Fudge requesting regulatory updates to the HOME program. 

The letter includes the following overview: “With affordable housing supply needed now more than ever, and inflation at a 40-year high, the time is right for HUD to modernize HOME regulations and other guidance to maximize the program’s impact so that HUD can better assist low-income households–whether they are renters searching for an apartment they can afford, homeowners in need of rehabilitation for their home, or low-income families seeking to purchase their first home.” 


COSCDA joined members of the HOME Coalition on a letter to House and Senate Transportation-HUD Appropriations Subcommittee leadership requesting at least $2.5 billion for the HOME Investment Partnerships program in Fiscal Year 2023.