Old Forest Village

Lynchburg, VA, Congressional District VA-6


Willie Fobbs
Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development
(804) 371-7133
[email protected]

Old Forest Village is a newly constructed development for people with disabilities and low incomes.  The project added 28 apartments of housing (ten two-bedroom and 18 one-bedroom) to the City of Lynchburg’s supply of affordable housing specifically for persons with disabilities and low incomes in seven single floor buildings. In addition, Rush Homes, the developer and property manager of Old Forest Village, will set aside seven apartments to serve as Permanent Supportive Housing (people who are homeless with disabilities) and seven apartments specifically for persons with intellectual/developmental disabilities. At least 25 percent of the apartments feature high-level accessibility meeting Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act requirements. 50 percent of the apartments feature universal design.  At least 25 percent of tenants have rent subsidy via a Section 8 Housing Choice Subsidy agreement with the Lynchburg Redevelopment and Housing Authority.

Project Type Rental Housing

Does the Project comply with the HOME requirements of 24 CFR part 92.252 and 92.254, as applicable?




Is the project within the HOME Period of Affordability?

Is there a lien, deed restriction or covenant to enforce affordability?

Are the beneficiaries income eligible?

If rental, does the project comply with HOME rents? Or, if homeownership, does the purchase price or after rehabilitation value not exceed the applicable HOME homeownership value limits?

Old Forest Village will target at least 25 percent of its units to special needs populations.  The primary target market for all units in the project are special needs households including at least one individual with a physical, sensory, mental, developmental, or intellectual disability.  Seven of these units are prioritized to serve a particularly vulnerable segment of the disabled population, those who are now homeless and require supportive services, with the goal of ending their often long-term homelessness and helping them to achieve independence through a home of their own.  Additionally, seven units will be prioritized for individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities.  Rush Homes reserves the right to lease units to the general population if they remain vacant for 60 days.

Old Forest Village features EarthCraft multifamily certification meaning that tenants will have lower utility bills due to higher energy efficiency of the apartments.

The relatively small size of Old Forest Village is in line with Rush Homes’ plan to create smaller multifamily developments for people with disabilities and low incomes that better fit neighborhoods. This size allows tenants to integrate with the local community and the local community better accepts the developments all with little negative community impact.

Rush Homes designed Old Forest Village to create a true sense of neighborhood and simultaneously maximize tenant privacy and accessibility.  The 18 one-bedroom and 10 two-bedroom, single story units are arranged in seven clusters with four units in each cluster.  The four-plex style of the buildings blends naturally into the surrounding community, which is largely duplex rental housing.  Additionally, construction included fiber cement siding with the potential for some brick to be consistent with existing neighborhood construction.

Old Forest Village tenants have access to Old Forest Road via a nearby City of Lynchburg owned easement. A Greater Lynchburg Transit Authority bus stop is less than one fourth mile from the 2516 Old Forest Road site. A sidewalk has been constructed within this easement to give tenants a safe means to travel to Old Forest Road. The project is close to many amenities, including grocery and other shopping, drug stores, medical services, and restaurants, all of which are within one mile of the site and accessible by sidewalks.  At least 25 percent of tenants have rent subsidy via housing choice vouchers with the number more likely approaching 50 percent or higher. Additionally, households who qualify for Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) also receive supportive services, such as help applying for food support or other types of assistance, searching for employment, and providing childcare, from the local organization that administers PSH programs.

Partner Engagement

  • Virginia Community Development Corporation (VCDC) provided low income housing tax credit syndication services and provided significant project development technical support.
  • Virginia Housing provided predevelopment loan funds. CJMW Architecture served as the project architect, providing architectural design and management services as well as engineering oversight.
  • Jamerson-Lewis Construction provided construction cost determinations and technical support to the architect.
  • The City of Lynchburg provided an additional HOME grant support and Community Development and Planning Department technical support.
  • Lynchburg Redevelopment and Housing Authority (LRHA) will provide Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers (rent subsidy) to tenants. Further, LRHA is the grantee for Permanent Supportive Housing funds in the City of Lynchburg and will partner with Rush Homes regarding the PSH component of Old Forest Village.
  • The Central Virginia Continuum of Care supports the development of Old Forest Village and the set aside of seven apartments for Permanent Supportive Housing.


HOME investment: $600,000
LIHTC (if applicable): $4,251,578
Other Federal funds: $150,000
Other public funds: $0
Private funds: $428,903
Total project costs: $5,430,481

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