2025 Advocacy Priorities

The Council of State Community Development Agencies (COSCDA) is a fifty-year-old advocacy organization that represents state community development housing agencies responsible for administering Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) programs, including the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program (both formula based and the Disaster Recovery) the HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) program and the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance programs along with the National Housing Trust Fund; all programs that meet critical housing and community development needs and have played a major role in the successful transformation of both urban and rural communities in all fifty states since their inception.

Since its inception, COSCDA has advocated a state and federal government partnership in the administration of community development programs. It is COSCDA’s foundational premise that a collaborative approach between states, local and the federal government is vital to the effective administration of these core infrastructure programs and ultimately to the vitality of communities across this nation. COSCDA members are united behind a balance that protects traditional state authority, allowing states to continue focusing on state-driven priorities and maintaining maximum flexibility to meet the needs of cities and towns large and small in every state. It continues to be documented that this threefold partnership (state, local and federal) has resulted in stronger communities.

For Fiscal Year 2024, COSCDA strongly urges Congress and the Administration to implement the recommendations listed below to enhance the effective administration of these core community development tools while safeguarding the most vulnerable citizens in states across this nation.


  • Reinforce HUD capacity building and technical assistance through additional FTEs
  • Enhance information collection and reporting through targeted resources to HUD CPD Information Technology
  • Promote streamlined administration on federal compliance standards
  • Implement Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) responsive to state actions in small and rural communities
  • Revise NEPA compliance policy to streamline environmental review process
  • Assess Davis Bacon’s effectiveness and impact on project development; improve policy’s responsiveness to modern construction practices and developments
  • Strengthen interagency partnerships and coordination of federal programs
  • Ensure compliance in state delivery of HUD funds: Build America, Buy America and Violence Against Women Act

Community Development

  • COSCDA recommends $4.2B for CDBG formula grants to promote community-led projects and services especially for vulnerable & disadvantaged populations
  • Elevate CDBG’s role as critical financing for community growth and outcomes
  • Modernize CDBG Responsive to Local Needs in the 21st Century


  • COSCDA recommends $2.5B for HOME to expand affordable housing
  • Strengthen investment to the Housing Trust Fund and increase housing access for extremely low-income populations 
  • Promote resources and regulations to advance housing infrastructure through HOME & HTF
  • Promote HOME reforms to advance housing access and opportunity
  • Enhance Housing Trust Fund to promote housing for vulnerable populations
  • Advance Low-Income Housing Tax Credits for affordable housing development

Disaster Recovery

  • Annual funding is recommended to accommodate planning and capacity building in post-disaster recovery activities
  • Align environmental review standards for coastal and inland risk areas
  • Ensure data is accessible for effective disaster response and recovery
  • Extend current administrative waivers to planning and housing-related activities in the immediate aftermath of disasters
  • Improve federal response for communities recovering from disaster events
  • Extend the Disaster Recovery & Reform Act to leverage other resources and address gaps in disaster response
  • Expand flexibility for FEMA’s Individual Assistance to direct more meaningful, encompassing, and immediate support to disaster survivors


  • COSCDA urges $3.9B for Homeless Assistance Grants to aid individuals experiencing homelessness through targeted outreach and assistance; as allowed in statute, $600m of this amount should be directed to Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG)
  • Expand housing vouchers to help more families and individuals secure stable housing
  • Support additional funds for ESG to address critical gaps in homeless assistance 
  • Increase Available use of Emergency Solutions Grants for existing shelters
  • Clarify definition of Transitional Housing for enhanced assistance to targeted populations
  • Advance Coordination between PHAs and CoCs
  • Integrate homelessness data with related supportive services
  • Strengthen administrative capacity and technical assistance for homelessness programs
  • Revise statutory requirements for more effective and efficient program delivery
  • Extend recent waivers for streamlined program administration and improved outcomes