Contact: Jean Noble
[email protected]
Formula Activities
Public Facilities and Improvements; Special Economic Development Activities; Program Administration Costs; Construction of Tornado-Safe Shelters
General Assistance, 40%
CDBG funds will be utilized for public facilities and public infrastructure projects. Funds are awarded for: senior centers; child care centers; public health facilities; youth centers; accredited public libraries; removal of architectural barriers from city halls or county courthouses for accessibility; residential water and wastewater; street, curb, gutter, sidewalk, or storm sewer; flood control and drainage; and, other public facility or infrastructure project determined to be a high priority, and not eligible to be funded under another CDBG program. Two deadlines a year.
Emergency/Urgent Need, 3%
CDBG funds will be used to assist local units of government with situations that pose a serious and immediate threat to public health, safety, or welfare. Open Cycle.
Rural Services, 6%
CDBG funds will be utilized for community center, fire station, multi-purpose center, and fire truck and fire-fighting equipment projects. The Arkansas Rural Development Commission will review Application and make recommendations for funding of projects to benefit rural communities with a population of less than 3,000 persons, where at least 51% of the beneficiaries are of low- to moderate-income.
Economic Development, 48%
CDBG funds will be utilized for providing communities with resources to assist businesses which expand the State’s economic base and which create quality jobs principally benefiting LMI persons. Eligible activities will generally include: grants or loans to for-profit businesses (through the applicant community) for a variety of business purposes; or public facilities (infrastructure) projects undertaken by applicant communities for economic development purposes, where a benefiting business agrees to locate or expand premised on the infrastructure improvements and agrees to create jobs for LMI persons.
CV Activities: Economic Development; Public Facilities; Public Services
CDBG-CV1: Public Services and Public Facilities, $14,628,557
An amount equal to the CDBG-CV1 Allocation ($10,818,424) along with a dedicated homeless shelter set-aside of $1,400,000 and $2,410,133 for direct assistance to microbusinesses (not expecting to be applied for), will be made available to and set-aside for non-entitlement units of general local government through a competitive application process for a variety of public services and public facility activities determined by those non-entitlement governments to be unmet needs, which directly prevent, prepare for, and respond to the coronavirus pandemic. Usage of this allocation of funds include availability of funding to units of local government (UGLGs) for public services (e.g., meals on wheels programs, employment training, assistance to food banks, health services, etc.), and public facilities, and direct assistance to microbusinesses.
CDBG-CV: Food Assistance, $4,680,000
CDBG-CV funds in the amount of $4.68 million will be made available through a partnership and Sub-award Agreement with the Arkansas Hunger Relief Alliance, the only statewide anti-hunger organization in our state. The Alliance works with the six Feeding America food banks, hundreds of food pantries, school districts, senior centers, out of school programs, companies, and elected officials.
State Food Purchasing Program, $1,600,000
Agency and Food Bank Grants, $811,300
Arkansas Beef Project, $1,460,000
Out of School Programs, $600,000
Administration, $208,700
CDBG-CV: Rental Assistance, $5,760,000
CDBG-CV funds in the amount of $5.76 million will be made available in partnership with the Arkansas Community Action Agencies Association (ACAAA), to provide the payment of actual rent (up to FMRV) for up to 2.5 months. The Arkansas Fresh Start COVID-19 Housing Stabilization Program will be implemented by the statewide network of Arkansas Community Action Agencies, with program and communications support, and training and technical assistance to be provided by the Arkansas Community Action Agencies Association.
630 Eye Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20001
(202) 293-5820